Thursday, December 20

Preview : Feed Me - Death By Robot

Feed Me is back at it again!  Check out the preview for his upcoming single, "Death By Robot".

Two B-Sides :

Besides logging hours in the sudio, Feed Me is ramping up for another tour with TEETH across the states.  This time it looks like Mord Fustang will be joining him on tour, who is now made of 70% video games.

Feed Me has also started working on some sort of animatronic robot. . . cool?

 Peep Feed Me on facebook where you'll find a few more pictures of the little green robot.

Sunday, December 16

gLAdiator : New

gLAdiator just hit 20,000 fans on facebook, and to show some appreciation for all of the support, they dropped a free album!  The eleven track album simply titled "New", comes packed full of a ton of futuristic sounding trap beats, and there might even be an electro track hiding in there somewhere.


gLAdiator also released this remix last week.  Some hood shit with nice vocals.  M1 Stinger.

Don't forget to follow and like gLAdiator.

Monday, December 3

Evan McCurrie - New 2012 Teaser

Team rider, Evan McCurrie, is back at it with the release of his newest teaser! It has about 3000 views already on Pinkbike, and was included in their "Movies for your Mondays" post, earlier today. Expect more big things coming from this guy in the future! To check out the video, "Click Here".